Turbulent Boundary Layers
- LeHew J, Guala M, McKeon B. J. A study of the three-dimensional spectral energy distribution in a zero pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer Exp. In fluids 51 (4) pp: 997-1012 DOI: 10.1007/s00348-011-1117-z (2011)
- Guala M, Metzger B.J. McKeon Interactions within the turbulent boundary layer at high Reynolds number J. Fluid Mech. pp: 573-604 ;DOI: 10.1017/S0022112010004544 (2011)
- Guala M., Christensen K.T., Adrian R.J., ``Effect of a roughness transition on turbulent structures in the outer layer'', Sedimentation and Sediment transport, Kluwer Acad. Pub., Sept 2002.
Intermittency and Anisotropy
- Guala M Metzger M, McKeon BJ Large scale Intermittency in the atmospheric surface layer: unresolved or slowly varying Physica D 239 (14) pp: 1251-1257 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physd.2009.10.010 (2010)
- Liberzon A., Luethi B., Guala M., Kinzelbach W., Tsinober A. ``On anysotropy of turbulent flow in regions of negative eddy viscosity '' in Progress in Turbulence II, Springer, 2007.
Pipe Flow
- Guala M., Hommema S.E and Adrian R.J., Large-scale and very-large-scale motions in turbulent pipe flow J. Fluid Mech. 554 pp 521-542 (2006)
Homogeneous turbulence
- Guala M., Liberzon A., Tsinober A. and Kinzelbach W. An experimental investigation on Lagrangian correlations of small scale turbulence at low Reynolds number J. Fluid Mech. 574:, pp 405-427 (2007)
- Guala M., Liberzon A., Luethi B., Tsinober A. and Kinzelbach W. Stretching and tilting of material lines in turbulence: The effect of vorticity and strain Physical Review E 73, 036303 (2006)
- Hoyer K., Holzner M., Luethi B., Guala M., Liberzon A., Kinzelbach W. A scanning technique for 3D particle tracking velocimetry Exp. In fluids 39(5) (2005)
Vorticity dynamics
- Guala M., Luethi B., Liberzon A., Kinzelbach W., Tsinober A. On the evolution of vorticity and material lines in homogeneous turbulence J. Fluid Mech (533) pp 339-359 (2005)
- Holzner, Guala M. Lüthi, B.; Liberzon, A.; Nikitin, N.; Kinzelbach, W.; Tsinober, A " Viscous tilting and production of vorticity in homogeneous turbulence , Physics of fluids 22 (6), Article Number: 061701 DOI: 10.1063/1.3442477 (2010)
Complex fluids (dilute polymer solutions)
- Liberzon A., Holzner Guala M., Luthi B., Kinzelbach W. On turbulent entrainment in a dilute polymer solution Phys of fluids (2009)
- Liberzon A., Guala M., Kinzelbach W., Tsinober A. On turbulent kinetic energy production and dissipation in dilute polymer solutions Phys of fluids 18, 125101 (2006)
- Liberzon A., Guala M., Luethi B., Kinzelbach W., Tsinober A. Turbulence in dilute polymer solution Phys. of fluids 17 (3): Art. No. 031707 (2005)
Biophysical and complex flows
- Boutsianis V., Guala M., Olgac U., Wildermuth S., Ventikos V., Hoyer K., Poulikakos D., CFD and PTV Steady Flow Investigation in an Anatomically Accurate Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering (2008)