A selection of my Publications


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  • Lee  J., Singh A. and Guala M. ``Reconstructing sediment transport by migrating bedforms in the physical and spectral domain'' Water Resources Research (68) 7  (2022)
  • Feist  C., Sotiropoulos F. and Guala M. ``A quasi-coupled wind wave experimental framework for testing offshore wind turbine floating systems''  Theoretical and applied Mechanics letters  (68) 7  (2021)
  • Redolfi M. , Musa M. and Guala M. ``On steady alternate bars forced by a localized asymmetric drag distribution in erodible channels''   Journal of fluid mechanics (916)  (2021)
  • Heisel  M., De Silva T., Hutchins N., Marusic I. and Guala M. ``On the mixing length eddies and logarithmic mean velocity profile in wall turbulence'' Journal of fluid mechanics (887)  (2020)
  • Liu M., Pelosi A. and Guala M. ``A statistical description of particle motion and rest regime in open channel flow under low bedload transport''   J. Geophys. Res. - Earth (124) , 11- (2019)
  • Heisel  M., Dasari T., Liu Y., Hong J., Coletti F. and Guala M. ``The spatial structure of the logarithmic region in very-high Reynolds number rough wall turbulent boundary layers" Journal of fluid mechanics (857) , 707-747 (2018)
  • Musa M., Hill C., Sotiropoulos F., and Guala M. ``Performance and resilience of hydrokinetic turbine arrays under large migrating fluvial bedforms" Nature Energy 3(10) , 839- (2018)
  • Nemes. A., Dasari. T.  Hong J., Guala M. and Coletti F. ``Snowflakes in the atrmospheric surface layer: observation of particle turbulence dynamics " Journal of fluid mechanics (814) , 592-613 (2017)
  • Howard K., Singh A., Sotiropoulos F.,  and Guala M. ``On the statistics of wind turbine wake meandering: an experimental investigations" PPhysics of fluids  of Fluid Mechanics 27, 7 (2015)
  • Hong J., Toloui M., Chamorro L.P. , Guala M., Howard K., Riley S., Tucker J., Sotiropoulos F. ``Natural snowfall reveals large-scale flow structures in the wake of a 2.5-MW wind turbine" Nature communications 5, 4216 (2014)
  • Guala M, Metzger B.J. McKeon ``Interactions within the turbulent boundary layer at high Reynolds number'', J. Fluid Mech. pp: 573-604 (2011)
  • Guala M., Manes C., Clifton A., Lehning M. ``A wind tunnel investigation on the saltation of fresh snow particles in a turbulent boundary layer''    J.  Geophys. Res. - Earth (2008)
  • Guala M., Hommema S.E and Adrian R.J., ``Large-scale and very-large-scale motions in turbulent pipe flow'',  J. Fluid Mech. 50th anniversary issue (554) pp 521-542 (2006)
  • Guala M., Luthi B., Liberzon A., Kinzelbach W., Tsinober A. ``On the evolution of vorticity and material lines in homogeneous turbulence'', J. Fluid Mech (533) pp 339-359