Datasets are organized based on experimental sets contributing to a published paper.
Each record start with the paper citation and follow with the type of data, a readme file description, and the reference to the specific experiment listed in the the paper notation and tables. These are complete datasets. If you donwload and use these data you are required to acknowledge the source and the publication.
1) Spectral description of migrating bed forms and sediment transport
M Guala, A Singh, N BadHeartBull, E Foufoula-Georgiou (2014) Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 119 (2), 123-137
Experimental data consist of time(t) resolved, streamwise(x) profiles of bed elevation z(x,t) recorded in the tilting bed flume at SAFL. Longitudinal transect of 5m resolved every 1cm=0.01m, repeated with a temporal resolution of about 12s. Experiments a,b,c with sand, experiments d,e with gravel.
Exp a)
sand; Q=60 l/min ripples; streamwise location x, time instants t, bed elevation z,
Exp b)
sand; Q=70 l/min ripples; streamwise location x, time instants t, bed elevation z,
Exp c)
sand; Q=80 l/min ripples + dunes; streamwise location x, time instants t, bed elevation z,
Exp d)
gravel; Q=115 l/min dunes; streamwise location x, time instants t, bed elevation z,
Exp e)
gravel; Q=135 l/min dunes; streamwise location x, time instants t, bed elevation z,
Musa M., Hill C., Guala M. (2019) Renewable Energy 138:738-753. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2019.02.009
Full experimental dataset available in the Data Repository for U of M (DRUM) website
3) Performance and resilience of hydrokinetic turbine arrays under large migrating fluvial bedforms
Musa M., Hill C., Sotiropoulos F., Guala M. (2019) Nature Energy 3 (10), 839.
Full experimental dataset available in the Data Repository for U of M (DRUM) website
Liu M.X., Pelosi A., Guala M. (2019) J. of Geophys. Res (Earth Surface) (in press).
Full experimental dataset available in the Data Repository for U of M (DRUM) website
5) On the mixing length eddies and logarithmic mean velocity profile in wall turbulence.
Heisel .M, de Silva C.M., Hutchins N., Marusic I., and M. Guala (2020).
Accepted in: Journal of Fluid Mechanics (https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.02208).
UMN-SAFL wind tunnel PIV experimental dataset available in the Data Repository for U of M (DRUM) website