Turbulent Boundary Layers
- LeHew J, Guala M, McKeon B. J. A study of the three-dimensional spectral energy distribution in a zero pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer Exp. In fluids 51 (4) pp: 997-1012 DOI: 10.1007/s00348-011-1117-z (2011)
- Guala M, Metzger B.J. McKeon Interactions within the turbulent boundary layer at high Reynolds number J. Fluid Mech. pp: 573-604 ;DOI: 10.1017/S0022112010004544 (2011)
- Guala M., Christensen K.T., Adrian R.J., ``Effect of a roughness transition on turbulent structures in the outer layer'', Sedimentation and Sediment transport, Kluwer Acad. Pub., Sept 20
Wind Energy Research Consortium, UMN
with Fotis Sotiropoulos, Leonardo P. Chamorro, Jeff Marr, and EOLOS core team