Surface roughness (snow)
- Gromke C, Manes C, Walter B, Lehning M, Guala M Aerodynamic Roughness Length of Fresh Snow Boundary Layer meter 141 (1) pp: 21-34 ;DOI 10.1007/s10546-011-9623-3 (2011)
- Stossel F, Guala M, Fierz C Manes C, Lehning M. Micrometeorological and morphological observations of surface hoar dynamics on a mountain snow cover Water Res. Research Volume 46 Article: W04511 (2010)
- Manes C., Guala M., Egli L., Loewe H. and A. Lehning M. Statistical property of fresh snow roughness Water Res. Research. (2008)
- Clifton A., Manes C., Ruedi J.D., Guala M., Lenhing M., On shear driven ventilation of snow Boundary Layer meter. (2007)
- Loewe H., Egli L., Bartlett S., Guala M., Manes M.., On the evolution of snow surface during snowfall Geophys. Res. Lett. (2007)
Transport in the saltation regime (snow)
- Guala M., Manes C., Clifton A., Lehning M. A wind tunnel investigation on the saltation of fresh snow particles in a turbulent boundary layer: profile characterization and single particle statistics Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth (2008)
Particles, multiphase flows
- Guala M., Liberzon A., Hoyer K., Kinzelbach W., Tsinober A . ``Experimental study on clustering of large particles in homogeneous turbulent flow'' Journal of Turbulence (2008)
- Guala M. & Stocchino A. ``Large scale flow structures in particle-wall collision at low Deborah numbers'', European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, Vol. 26, (4), (2007)
- Guala M., Liberzon A., Hoyer K., Kinzelbach W., Tsinober A. ``Simultaneous measurements of the fluid and the solid phases in homogeneous turbulence'' in Particle-Laden Flows, Geurts, Clerks, Uittewald Eds. Springer, 2007.
- Stocchino A. & Guala M. Particle wall collision in Newtonian and non Newtonian fluids Exp. in fluids. 38 (4): 476-484 APR (2005)
Buoyancy effects
- Liberzon A., Luethi B., Guala M., Kinzelbach W., Tsinober A., Experimental study of the structure of flow regions with negative turbulent kinetic energy production in confined three-dimensional shear flows with and without buoyancy Phys. of fluids 17 (9) Art. No. 095110-1 (2005)
River morphodynamics
- Zolezzi G., Guala M., Termini D., Seminara G. Experimental observations of upstream overdeepening J. Fluid Mech. 531 pp 191-219. (2005)
- Guala M., Zolezzi G., Branca A., Seminara G., ``Preliminary experimental observations of upstream overdeepening'', Proc. IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal and estuarine morphodynamics Genova, Sept 1999.
- Bombardelli F., Guala M., Garcia C., Briskin B., Garcia M.H. ``Mean flow, turbulence and free surface measurements in a canoe chute model'', Proc. Hydraulic Measurement and Experimental Methods Conf., Wahl T.L., Pugh C.A., Oberg K.A., and Vermeyen T.B. (Eds.), ASCE, Estes Park, CO, USA. 2002.