Recent News

Amy Tinklenberg, PhD  2024  

Congrats Amy !  We learned so much, and thanks Filippo !

Amy Tinklenberg PHD 24

Jiyong Lee, PhD  2022   

Jiyong , great work !   

Michael Heisel, PhD

Congrats Michael and all for the first PhD defence on Zoom "at SAFL"


Mirko Musa, PhD

Congratulation Mirko for your successful PhD defence and for contributing to the expansion of renewable energy in fluvial environments. Good luck at Oak Ridge Nat. Lab. !

Turbine model array

Marine Hydrokinetic experiment published in Nature Energy

Expanding renewable energy conversion in rivers is possible, with minimal environmental impact. In-stream turbine remain safe and productive under flood-like conditions with large migrating dunes, while river morphodynamics is essentially undisturbed. "Performance and resilience of hydrokinetic turbine arrays under large migrating fluvial bedforms" by Mirko Musa, Craig Hill, Fotis Sotiropoulos and Michele Guala. Nature Energy (2018)


Anne Ahlvers Wilkinson, PhD

Congratulation Anne for your succesfull PhD defence and for contributing to the water quality and safety of Minnesota Lakes. Thanks to professor Miki Hondzo for co-advising Anne.


 Congrats Dr. Craig Hill !

August 2015, Craig Hill passed the PhD final exam with an outstanding work on "Instream turbines performance and intraction with erodible bathymetries".


Chris Feist, MS !

February 2015, Christopher Feist successfully presented his MS research on offshore wind energy: "Aerodynamic wake study: oscillating model wind turbine within a turbulent boundry layer". Outstanding research, Chris!


Congratulation Dr. Howard !

14 August 2014, Kevin Howard successfully defended his PhD thesis: "Wind turbine performance and wake development for various atmospheric, operational and siting conditions"


SAFL collaborative effort published in NATURE COMM

"Natural snowfall reveals large-scale flow structures in the wake of a 2.5-MW wind turbine" J. Hong, M. Toloui, L. P. Chamorro, M. Guala, K. Howard, S. Riley, J. Tucker & F. Sotiropoulos, Nature Communications 5, 4216 (2014) doi:10.1038/ncomms5216

Thank you Jiarong Hong (Principal Investigator and team leader, assistant professor, ME, UMN)

PhD position offered

I am looking for a PhD student on a NSF funded project with backround in control and/or geophsyical flows (undergrad in civil, mechanical or aerospace engineering, physics or earth science) to start on fall 2014 at CE, SAFL, University of Minnesota